教师 - Sociology & 犯罪学

The Department of Sociology 和 犯罪学 is chaired by Dr. 凯文·布莱恩特教授社会学和犯罪学,他的研究为学生的实习机会铺平了道路. Other faculty include 凯伦木 和 Dr. Gary Burkart, Professor Emeritus 和 previous chair of the department.

Dr. 凯文·科比

Professor 和 Department Chair

Dr. 凯文·布莱恩特是本尼迪克特学院社会学和犯罪学教授兼主席. 他获得了博士学位。.D. 1997年从田纳西大学毕业,主修社会学和犯罪学. In 2015, he completed a study funded by the Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance's Smart Policing Initiative, 检查肖尼(KS)警察局实施数据驱动的犯罪和交通安全方法(DDACTS). 最近, he 和 the 29th Judicial Circuit Court (Jasper County, 密苏里州)通过司法援助局的司法和心理健康合作方案获得了资金,用于在两年项目期间评估其毒品和并发疾病法庭的有效性. Dr. 布莱恩特获得了国家司法研究所的高级犯罪制图认证. He is a member of the American Society of 犯罪学, the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, 和 is Past President of the Midwestern Criminal Justice Association.


Assistant Professor 

Dr. 史密斯于2023年获得宾夕法尼亚州立大学社会学和人口学博士学位. Prior to his graduate training in sociology, Dr. Smith obtained his bachelor’s 和 master’s degrees in social work. 他花了几年时间在印第安纳州中南部从事心理健康领域的工作, addictions treatment, 儿童服务. 

Dr. Smith's research interests are diverse, focusing on such topics as religious nationalism, 道德发展, 和 the transmission of faith between generations. His work has been published in journals such as Sociology of Religion, Journal of 婚姻 和 Family, Socius, 和 Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion


Assistant Professor

Known to her students as “K Wood,“凯伦致力于帮助她的学生在他们所做的一切中发展社会学想象力. 凯伦之前作为传教士和牧师助理的工作,以及她作为妻子和母亲的职业,为她作为社会学家的职业生涯提供了大量的经验.

Her research interests include: the Sociology of Religion, particularly the Catholic call of the New Evangelization as it relates to culture; Popular 文化, particularly its historical progression 和 influence upon Youth 文化; 婚姻 和 Family, both macro 和 micro underst和ings; 和 the Sociology of Race Relations 和 the Construction of Ethnic Identities, 特别是独特的美国黑人经历及其多样化和分歧的表达.



  • M.A. 社会学,堪萨斯大学,1994

Professional Memberships & 贡献

  • The Society of Catholic Social Scientists
  • The Midwest Sociological Society
  • 新福传研讨会(太阳城官网)多名撰稿人
  • Fides et Ratio Alumna


露西娅Luzondo, 兼职讲师 of 犯罪学

兼职讲师, 犯罪学

Lucia is an attorney, practical theologian, television 和 radio host, 和 co-founder of Family Renewal Ministries, 公司. (Renovación Familiar), a ministry dedicated to promoting 和 defending marriage, family, 和 the human person in God’s plan. She has produced multiple articles, resources 和 materials on marriage preparation, marriage 和 family enrichment, 和 gender ideology. She has presented extensively in the United States, 拉丁美洲和欧洲,在她的专业领域领导了数百次务虚会和培训. Lucia has served as director of Laity, 婚姻, family生活和青年部和跨文化部在全国各总教区. 她是Our Sunday 访问or Institute西班牙裔体验智囊团的成员,也是几家天主教出版商和实体在西班牙裔婚姻,family生活和跨文化方面的合作者和顾问, 包括美国天主教主教会议的各个秘书处.

  • Adjunct instructor, Geography

    From an early age, Mr. 史蒂文斯对地图很着迷,对家乡堪萨斯州边界以外的世界很好奇.  He has worked in a variety of occupations but teaching, 学习, 和 service have been central elements throughout his career.  Mr. Stevens has taught geography, healthcare administration, 以及在大学和成人学习水平上的药物滥用项目管理课程和研讨会. 

     Mr. 史蒂文斯目前是国防部雇员,担任质量和安全指挥官的副手, Munson Army 健康 Center, 莱文沃斯堡, 堪萨斯.  He has oversight of Patient Safety, Performance Improvement, 认证 和 Compliance, 病人宣传, 风险管理, Infection Prevention 和 Control, Credentials 和 Privileges, 及设施安全.

    2020年,. Stevens retired from the Air Force/Air National Guard after 37 years of service.  During his final military assignment, 他是空军国民警卫队医疗部队顾问,空军外科医生, Headquarters Air Force, 瀑布教堂, 维吉尼亚州.  除了医疗保健,他的职业生涯还包括国际事务和人力资源方面的任务.  His other key positions include: Comm和er, 175th Medical Group; Deputy Comm和er, 190th Medical Group; the first Bilateral Affairs Officer, Office of Defense Cooperation, U.S. 大使馆, 耶烈万, Republic of Armenia; Chief, Military Equal Opportunity; Substance Abuse Program Manager—Air National Guard, Counterdrug Directorate, National Guard Bureau; Water Quality Coordinator; Senior Aerospace Science Instructor, Oakl和 Mills High School; 英语 teacher, Osawatomie High School. 

    Mr. 作为美国医疗保健主管学院(FACHE)的会员,史蒂文斯在医疗保健管理方面获得了董事会认证,并且是认证的患者体验专家(CPXP)。.  他获得了2015年空军国民警卫队医疗服务团承诺服务奖,并被公认为2005年空军国民警卫队杰出全球卫生官员.


    M.B.A., 健康care, The George Washington University 
    B.A., 英语 和 历史, Washburn University
    A.A.S., Personnel Administration, Community College of the Air Force


Dr. 库里·迈尔斯作为一名州警总共有35年的专业经验, 特工, 治安官, 犯罪学家, 顾问, 教授, university executive, 和 业务 executive. Dr. Myers ended his law enforcement career as the 治安官 of Johnson County, 堪萨斯 which serves a population of more than 650,它是美国中西部最大的治安官办公室之一,拥有近750名雇员,监狱人口约为1人,000名囚犯. 他是全国公认的刑事司法、公共政策以及组织管理和领导方面的专家,并在1个以上的会议上发表过演讲,000个地方, 状态, 和 national conferences. 他是州法院和联邦法院的专家证人,并在许多场合作证. Prior to being 治安官, Dr. Myers was a 特工 with the 堪萨斯 Bureau of Investigation (KBI), 他是堪萨斯公路巡逻队(KHP)的州警,也是韦克斯福德国际集团的国防部顾问.

在学术上,博士. 迈尔斯在本科和研究生阶段开发并教授了超过25门课程,包括刑事司法学科, 犯罪学, organizational management, 领导, 道德, 业务, 和 in the humanities. 曾任大学高级管理人员(院长、副校长), he has rolled out new degree programs, new product lines 和 program concepts, conducted program reviews, 和 has development outcomes-based, applied 学习 curriculum in various forms of modality.

Dr. 迈尔斯是一名通过环境设计预防犯罪(CPTED)的实践者,并在数百个安全和公共安全相关项目中担任首席顾问, 包括设计, 实现, 物流, administration 和 operations. 2016年博士. Myers was named a Vice President with The Kincaid Group, a transportation 和 technology services consortium. 2020年1月, 他在集团担任顾问,现在经营着自己的咨询公司, called Sheriff Myers & 同事(SMA).
